The researchers in the LRU (U.K.) are:


1. Dr Robert Walsh B.A., Phd - Palaeoanthropologist (Honorary President). Retired July 2025

Rob lives in Bournemouth, having studied for his B.A. in archaeology at Oxford University and for his Doctorate in biological/physical anthropology at 

La Sapieza in Rome, Italy. He retired from active research in the LRU in July 2025

2. Gayle Spiller B.A. (Archaeology/Environmental studies/Human Evolution - Project Director)

Gayle lives in Oxon, having studied for a B.A. in archaeology at Reading University. 

Other Researchers in the LRU

1. Amy Harbin B.A. 

Amy lives in Bedford, having studied for a B.A. in sociology at Portsmouth University.

2. Jon Wood PhD 

Jon lives in Aylesbury, and studied for his Ph.D at UCL in philosophy.


Project Research Associate

1. Rob Kruszynski (LRU Research consultant) 

Former London Natural History Museum Curator of Anthropology

Rob lives in London


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