Dr Rob Walsh (Former LRU Project Director)compared two partial skulls, from The Grand Dolina at Atapuerca,Spain and from Lake Turkana, Kenya. The results are as follows:

Skulls to be measured


  1. ATD69 …. Juvenile Homo antecessor (850,000 years old)
  2. KNMWT 15000….juvenile Homo ergaster skull



Breath of face…Zygomatic to Zygomatic:


ATD69: 14.5 cm


KNMWT 15000: 13cm



Left Eye socket:


ATD69: 4cm


KNMWT 15000: 3cm



Right Eye Socket:


ATD69: 4cm


KNMWT 15000: 3cm



Frontal region Breadth:


ATD69: 15cm


KNMWR 15000: 9cm



Maxilla Breadth


ATD69: 12.5cm


KNMWT 15000: 15cm



Nasal Breadth


ATD69: 2.5cm


KNMWT 15000: 2.5cm

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